We are a Think Tank, Strategic Advisory Firm and Wellness Company serving the community, governmental agencies, nonprofits, researchers, and entrepreneurs. We are focused on the Endocannabinoid System and provide fact based, educational opportunities, lobbying and business development..
Our wellness company, Sensational Journeys, provides Corporate Wellness events, individual and group based experiences with a unique, and dynamic approach to sparking one’s Endocannabinoid System using laughter yoga, sound baths, and mindful movement.
In the emerging cannabis industry, our communities, patients, employers, employees and investors are vulnerable.
TDCANN Institute provides excellence in education and wellness for various stakeholders in order to ensure a level of competence and knowledge in the Endocannabinoid System, in the best interest of Public Health and Safety.
The Endocannabinoid System, a biological system, was founded by Israeli Scientists in 1990s. It is a large receptor system and the master regulator of homeostasis in the human body. Research has proven the ECS plays a critical role in regulating a range of functions and processes in the body, including: memory, sleep cycle, mood and emotion, pain perception and appetite.
Recent studies show the Endocannabinoid System plays a major role in regulating adult neurogenesis, the process in which new neurons are formed in the brain.
Our bodies produce Endocannabinoids, specifically Anandamide, and 2 AG. We now know the “Runners High” is an increase of Anandamide in the body.
TDCANN Institute, DBA Sensational Journeys, hosts wellness and educational classes that Spark the Endocannabinoid System, or Anandamide, using multiple modalities, including Laughter Yoga, Mindful Movement, and Sound Baths.
Criminal Justice,
Yoga 500 hr CYT,
Sound Practitioner,
Laughter Yoga,
Mindful Movement,
Reiki Master,
Endocannabinoid System
Corporate Wellness, Group Experiences, Individual Journeys, Retreats, Public Speaking
Government Relations, Business Development, Clinical Conferences, Agricultural Resources, Project Consultations